WordPress Documentation

Short Code     [b2i_chart s="EAT" e="NYSE: "] Short Code     [b2i_intrachart s="EAT" e="NYSE: "]
Your symbol will only retrieve data once we set up your account.
Attributes Detail
Chart Container
sdiv Chart – Div name – sdiv=”chartdiv”
height height=”400px” – Default is 500 measured in px
width width=”600px” – for 600px – Default is 96%
Chart Type and Fill
c Line and Fill HTML color: default 1763A9 – no # needed – c=”1763A9″
fa Chart Area fill alpha – set fa=”0″ for no fill – Max value is 1 for solid – fa=”0.2″
lt Line Thickness: default is lt=”2″
ct Chart – Type: ct=”line” default – options: line, smoothedLine, step, column
Chart Background
bgc Chart Background HTML color: default f1f1f1 – no # needed – bgc=”ffffff”
bga Chart Background alpha: default 1.0 – set bga=”0″ for no fill
Chart Grid
ga Chart Grid alpha: default .2 – set ga=”0″ for no grid
gc Chart Grid HTML color: default bbbbbb – no # needed – gc=”ffffff”
udg Chart – Use Dash Grid: udg=”0″ – Default is 0 – set udg=”1″
Chart Border
cbc Chart Border HTML color: default 999999 – no # needed – bgc=”999999″
cba Chart Border alpha: default .5 – set cba=”0″ for no border
Label Text
s Required – Stock symbol from your account
sd Stock symbol display override
e Label – Text to display in front of symbol – e=”Nasdaq: ” or e=”CompanyName : “
Label Formatting
vic Chart – Values inside chart – Default is 1 – set vic=”0″ for values on outside of chart, also need to adjust Left Margin lm=”50″
lm Chart – Left Margin: default is 5, need to increase if displaying values on outside of chart
sil Label Inside – Show inside label: default is “1”, use sit=”0″ to turn off
lc3 Label Inside – HTML color: default 1763A9 – no # needed – lc3=”1763A9″
ls3 Label Inside – Font Size: default 15 – ls3=”15″
la3 Label Inside – Label Alpha: default 0.3 – la3=”0.2″
lc Label at Top – HTML color: default 666666 – no # needed – lc=”666666″
stl Label at Top – Default is 1 – true – set stl=”0″ to turn off
ls Label at Top – Font Size: default 15 – ls=”15″
lc2 Label on Side and Bottom – HTML color: default 666666 – no # needed – lc2=”666666″ –
ls2 Label on Side and Bottom – Font size: default 11 – ls2=”11″
sc Cursor – Show cursor: default is “1”, use sc=”0″ to turn off
cc Cursor HTML color: default 1763A9 – no # needed – cc=”1763A9″
ca Cursor Alpha – Max value is 1 – Default ca=”0.1″
Period Selector
sp Period selector – Show period selector: default is “1”, use sp=”0″ to turn off
ps Period Selector location: default is ps=”bottom” – options: top, bottom, left, right
p Period selector – Selected time period – values are 10d, 1m, 3m, 6m, 1y, max – p=”3m” default
sv Chart – Show Volume Chart: default is “1”, use sv=”0″ to turn off
vct Chart – Volume Chart type: vct=”column” default – options: line, smoothedLine, step, column
vfa Chart – Volume fill alpha – set vfa=”0″ for no fill – Max value is 1 for solid – default vfa=”0.9″
bc Balloon border HTML color: default 1763A9 – no # needed – bc=”1763A9″
bs Balloon Font size: default 13 – bs=”14″
Scroll Bar
ssb Chart – Show scroll bar: default is “1”, use ssb=”0″ to turn off
Data Format / Separators
centsep Decimal separator: centsep=”.”
thoussep Thousands separator: thoussep=”,”