API Documentation
<div id="chartdiv2" style="height:500px;"></div>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="https://www.b2i.us/b2i/ChartApi_20.asp?v=1.0.6"></script>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function LoadChart(){
oChart.BizID= "449";
oChart.Exchange= "NYSE: ";
oChart.sDiv = "chartdiv2";
oChart.Symbol = "EAT";
oChart.Period= "3";
oChart.Mode= "0";
oChart.FillColor = "336699";
oChart.CursorColor = "336699";
oChart.BGColor = "ffffff";
if (window.addEventListener) {
window.addEventListener(‘load’, LoadChart, false);
} else if (window.attachEvent) {
window.attachEvent(‘onload’, LoadChart);
NOTICE: the intraday chart object is oiChart.
When adding parameters make sure to use the correct object name.
Ex: oiChart.SymbolDisplay="Optical Cable Corporation (OCC)";
<div id="chartintradiv" style="height:400px;"></div>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="https://www.b2i.us/b2i/ChartIntraApi_20.asp?v=1.0.6"></script>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function LoadIntraChart(){
oiChart.Exchange= "NYSE | ";
oiChart.sDiv = "chartintradiv";
oiChart.Symbol = "EAT";
oiChart.GridAlpha = "0";
if (window.addEventListener){
window.addEventListener(‘load’, LoadIntraChart, false);
} else if (window.attachEvent){
window.attachEvent(‘onload’, LoadIntraChart);
<div id="chartdiv" style="height:500px;"></div>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="https://www.b2i.us/b2i/ChartApi_20.asp?v=1.0.6"></script>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function LoadCandleChart(){
oChart.BizID= "449";
oChart.sDiv = "chartdiv";
oChart.Mode="1"; // <- this makes it a candlestick chart
oChart.LineThickness= "1";
oChart.Exchange= "NYSE: ";
oChart.Symbol = "EAT";
oChart.Period= "3";
oChart.FillColor = "336699";
oChart.CursorColor = "336699";
oChart.BGColor = "ffffff";
if (window.addEventListener) {
window.addEventListener('load', LoadCandleChart, false);
} else if (window.attachEvent) {
window.attachEvent('onload', LoadCandleChart);
Optional parameters: Should always come before calling the GetChart(); method.
oChart.sDiv=”chartdiv”; | Sets the location to render the data – when using multple on page may have to incrementally load using JS setTimeout() |
oChart.Mode=”1″; | Default oChart.Mode=”0″ for line & area chart – use oChart.Mode=”1″, for Candlestick chart |
oChart.SymbolDisplay=””; | Override internal label text – great for setting the company name or any custom text |
oChart.UpLineColor=”336699″; oChart.UpFillColor=”336699″; oChart.DownLineColor=”ff0000″; oChart.DownFillColor=”ff0000″; |
Candle up / down indicatior colors – hex code no # |
oChart.Dollar=”0″; | Show currency sign on left, set to “1” for dollar, “2” for euro, “3” for £ – pound |
oChart.DollarR=””; | Show currency sign on right, set to “1” for p – pound |
Chart Type and Fill | |
oChart.ChartType=”line”; | Chart Type – options: line, smoothedLine, step, column |
oChart.FillColor=”336699″; | Chart Fill Color, Default 336699 – do not include # |
oChart.FillAlpha=0.2; | Chart Fill Alpha, Default 0.2 – Set to 0 to turn off fill color for a line only |
oChart.LineThickness= “4”; | Chart Line Thickness, Default 2 |
Label Text | |
oChart.SymbolDisplay=””; | Over ride symbol display – empty by default |
oChart.PriceTitle=”Price”; | Chart Price Title |
oChart.VolumeTitle=”Volume”; | Volume Chart Title |
oChart.CloseText=”Close”; | Close Text in bubble |
oChart.VolumeText=”Volume”; | Volume Text in bubble |
oChart.SaveText=”Save data as”; | Save text for saving chart data |
oChart.AllText=”ALL”; | Button for All |
oChart.Lang=”1″; | Language for months oChart.Period=”1″; //english oChart.Period=”2″; //spanish oChart.Period=”4″; //french |
Label Formatting | |
oChart.AxisLabelColor=”666666″; | Axis Label Color, Default 666666 – do not include # |
oChart.AxisLabelSize=”11″; | Axis Label Size, Default “11” |
oChart.ValueInsideChart=true; | For placement of data values – set to false for outside the chart – must also set left margin |
oChart.LeftMargin=”5″; | Set to higher value to allow values outside of chart – oChart.LeftMargin=”60; |
oChart.TopLabelColor=”666666″; | Top Label Color, Default 666666 – do not include # |
oChart.TopLabelSize=15; | Top Label Size, Default 15 |
oChart.InsideLabelColor=”336699″; | Inside Label Color, Default 336699 – do not include # |
oChart.InsideLabelSize=25; | Inside Label Size, Default 25 |
oChart.InsideLabelAlpha=0.3; | Inside Label Alpha, Default 0.3 – Set to 0 remove |
Chart Background | |
oChart.BGColor=”ffffff”; | Chart Background Color, Default ffffff – do not include # |
oChart.BGAlpha=1; | Chart Background Alpha, Default 1 – set to 0 for transparency or between 0 and .9 |
oChart.UseDashGrid=”1″; | Chart Use Dash Grid |
oChart.GridAlpha=”.2″; | Chart Grid Alpha |
oChart.GridColor=”bbbbbb”; | Chart Grid Color, Default bbbbbb – do not include # |
Chart Border | |
oChart.ChartBorderColor=”999999″; | Chart Border Color, Default 999999 – do not include # |
oChart.ChartBorderAlpha=”.5″; | Chart Border Alpha, Default .5 – set to 0 for none |
Cursor | |
oChart.CursorShow=true; | Show Cursor – set to false to hide |
oChart.CursorColor=”336699″; | Cursor Color, Default 336699 – do not include # |
oChart.CursorAlpha=”.1″; | Cursor Alpha, Default “.1” – set 0 to 1 |
Period Selector | |
oChart.PeriodSelectorShow=1; | Show Period Selector – set to 0 to hide |
oChart.PeriodSelectorLocation=”bottom”; | Period Selector Location – options: bottom, top, left, right |
oChart.Period=”3″; | Chart time period to show – Default 3 for 3 months oChart.Period=”1″; for 10 day oChart.Period=”2″; for 1 month oChart.Period=”3″; for 3 month oChart.Period=”4″; for 6 month oChart.Period=”5″; for 1 year oChart.Period=”6″; for 5 year oChart.Period=”7″; for All |
Volume | |
oChart.ShowVolumeChart=true; | Show Volume Chart – set to false to hide |
oChart.VolumeChartType=”column”; | Volume Chart Type – options: line, smoothedLine, step, column |
oChart.VolumeFillAlpha=1; | Volume Chart Fill Alpha, Default 1 – set to 0 for transparency or between 0 and .9 |
Balloon | |
oChart.BalloonFillColor=”ffffff”; | Balloon Fill Color, Default ffffff – do not include # |
oChart.BalloonFontSize=13; | Balloon Font Size, Default 13 |
Scroll Bar | |
oChart.ShowScrollBar=true; | The bottom scroll window on chart – set to false to hide |
Data Format / Separators | |
oChart.Centseperator=”.”; | Decimal separator: oChart.Centseperator=”.”; |
oChart.Numseperator=”,”; | Thousands separator: oChart.Numseperator=”,”; |
When using Duda CMS, there is a different implementation needed for adding the chart to the page since it does not implement the native JS DOM.
<div id="chartdiv" style="height:500px;"></div>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="https://www.b2i.us/b2i/ChartApi_20.asp?v=1.0.6"></script>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function LoadChart(){
oChart.BizID= "449";
oChart.Exchange= "NYSE: ";
oChart.sDiv = "chartdiv";
oChart.Symbol = "EAT";
oChart.Period= "3";
oChart.FillColor = "336699";
oChart.CursorColor = "336699";
oChart.BGColor = "ffffff";