
Our SEC Filings module ensures compliance with automatic updates through real-time data feeds and support for multiple formats (HTML, PDF, DOC, XBRL). We offer numerous layout options, allowing you to highlight specific filing types such as quarterly or annual reports.

Best Practice:
Include an SEC Filings page in your primary navigation menu. You can highlight your most recent quarterly results using a simple parameter. All of the customization parameters are on the WordPress and API documentation pages.


Key Features

Multi-format Support: HTML, PDF, DOC

Experience flexibility in accessing documents with our multi-format support. Whether you prefer HTML for web-based viewing, PDF for easy sharing, or DOC for editing, our platform caters to your Investors diverse needs.

Integrates with Email Alerts, Including Customizable Email Templates

Keep Investors in the loop effortlessly. Our SEC Filings seamlessly integrates with Email Alerts, tailored with customizable email templates that ensure your Investors get the information in real-time.

Filings Filter by Year, Filing Type, and Filer

Efficiently navigate through a vast array of filings with our user-friendly filters. Narrow down your search by year, filing type, and filer, ensuring that your Investors find the information they need quickly and accurately.

Enhanced Filings Viewer: Great for 10-K, 10-Q, 8-K, Proxy Info

Perfect for showcasing critical documents such as the latest 10-K, 10-Q, 8-K, and proxy information, our viewer enhances your understanding of key financial disclosures.

Data Stored on Cloudfront for Worldwide Distribution Points

Experience global accessibility with confidence. Our SEC Filings platform stores data on Cloudfront, ensuring worldwide distribution points for swift and reliable access, regardless of your location.