Layout Library
Our SEC Filings platform offers flexibility with multiple layout options, allowing you to tailor the display to your needs. Effortlessly customize your layout style by leveraging the versatility of our API or shortcode, providing an efficient way to adapt the design to your preferences.
Layout 1 – Default
In this example the latest filings are being displayed using layout 1, this is the default if no layout is set.
Layout 2
In this example the latest filings are being displayed using layout 2, a basic div structure.
Layout 3
In this example the Latest 10-K filing is displayed using layout 3
Layout 4
In this example the layout returns the latest 10-K, 10-Q, 8-K, and Proxy with the filter “ircurrent4” using layout 4 for display and ordered in chronological order.
Layout 5
In this example the Latest Annual Report is displayed using layout 5
Layout 6
This example is displaying the Quarterly Earnings based on the SEC Filings. It offers customization for to each filing: Add multiple links. Set the title, image, and links. This feature leverages our white glove service for items that require manual linking.
Layout 7
This example is displaying Quarterly Earnings based on SEC 10-Qs and 10-Ks in an accordion. It offers customization for to each filing: Add multiple links. Set the title, image, and links. This feature leverages our white glove service for items that require manual linking.
Layout 8
This example is displaying Quarterly Earnings based on SEC 10-Qs and 10-Ks in an accordion. It offers customization for to each filing: Add multiple links. Set the title, image, and links. This feature leverages our white glove service for items that require manual linking.
Layout 11
In this example the layout returns the latest 10-K, 10-Q, 8-K, and Proxy with the filter “ircurrent4” using layout 11 for display.
Layout 12
Layouts 12 & 13 are designed to display the form type, and icon.
Layout 12 also shows the form descriptions.
The icons can be customized using css.
Layout 13
Layout 14
In this example the layout returns a list of Annual Reports using layout 14 for display.
Layout 15
In this example the layout returns latest 10’s using layout 15 for display.
Layout 16
In this example the layout returns latest 10k using layout 16 for display.
Layout 17
In this example the layout returns latest 10q using layout 17 for display.
Layout 18
In this example the layout returns a list of 10’s using layout 18 for display.
Layout 19
In this example the layout returns latest 10 HMTL / XBRL file type using layout 19 for display.
Layout 20 (XBRL)
Layout 21 (HTML)
Layout 22 (PDF)
Layout 20 returns the XBRL version only.
Layout 21 returns the HTML version only.
Layout 22 returns the PDF version only