Layout Library
Our Stock Chart module offers flexibility with multiple layout options, allowing you to tailor the display to your needs. Customize your layout style by leveraging CSS and our API or shortcode, providing an efficient way to adapt the data to your design preferences.
[b2i_chart s="EAT" sd="NYSE | Brinker International | EAT" c="336699" fa="0.2" cc="a02424" ls3="13" la3="0.5" lc3="336699" vfa="0.4" ga="0"]

[b2i_chart sdiv="chart2" s="EAT" sd="NYSE | Brinker International | EAT" udg="1" c="336699" cc="336699" lc3="336699" fa="0" vic="0" lm="60" cba="0" udg="1" vct="line" vfa="0" ssb="0"]

[b2i_chart sdiv="chart3" s="EAT" sd="Brinker International Inc." udg="1" c="578727" cc="578727" lt="4" lc3="578727" fa="0" cba=".1" udg="1" vfa=".2" ssb="0" la3="0.5" stl="0"]

[b2i_chart sdiv="chart4" s="EAT" sd="EAT : Brinker International" udg="1" c="a02424" cc="a02424" lc3="a02424" lca=".3" fa="0" ct="smoothedLine" gc="a02424" ga=".1" vic="0" lm="60" cba="0" udg="1" vct="line" vfa="0" ssb="0"]

[b2i_chart sdiv="chart4" s="EAT" sd="EAT : Brinker International" udg="1" c="a02424" cc="a02424" lc3="a02424" lca=".3" fa="0" ct="smoothedLine" gc="a02424" ga=".1" vic="0" lm="60" cba="0" udg="1" vct="line" vfa="0" ssb="0"]

[b2i_chart sdiv="whitechartcolorBG" width="550px" height="350px" s="EAT" sd=" " fa="0" c="d1d1ff" ca=".1" lc2="ffffff" lc3="ffffff" lc="ffffff" bga="0" ssb="0" vct="line" vfa=".1" ga="0" cba="0" sv="0" sc="1" lm="15"]

Stock Chart Combination Examples