WordPress Documentation

Once our plugin is installed in your WordPress site, please view Settings / B2i Options for parameters to customize this module including a confirm option, customizing the text and forwarding the user to a webpage after clicking the button.

Example of customizing with parameters

Short Code – [b2i_email_unsubscribe]
Attributes Detail
sdiv Div to write and load content
lo Form Layout – default lo="1" – currently only one layout available
le Label for Email Address – Default is le="Email Address"
lu Label for Unsubscribe text – Default is lu="Unsubscribe from all email communications."
ut Unsubscribe text – ut="You have been unsubscribed." – this controls the text displayed after the unsubscribe button is clicked and settings are saved
uep Unsubscribe endpoint url – uep="https://www.domain.com/page/" – sends user to URL after unsubscribing
lang Language ID – Default 1 for English.