WordPress Documentation

This documentation page is for a deeper level of understanding of the WordPress plugin parameters and usage. Please refer to our builder page to have the WordPress shortcode automatically generated based on your needs.
Short Code - [[b2i_stock  d="1" f="1"]] 
Your symbol will only retrieve data once we set up your account.
Attributes Detail
sdiv sdiv="QuoteDiv1" - if using multiple instances on same page, must use unique sdiv for each
f f="1" - Format for stock data output. Current usage is 1-32 with more added frequently - Unlimited custom displays possible.
dl Decimal places, Default is 2, dl="3" would show 3 places right of decimal
d Show dollar sign, set to d="1", Default is 0 / off
e Override exchange
ui Custom up arrow image / character
di Custom down arrow image / character
centsep Cents seperator override - example: centsep=","
thoussep Number seperator override - example: thoussep="."
df Date format - example: df="1"
0: 11/19/2020 2:07 PM
1: Nov 19, 2020 2:07 PM
2: 11/19/20 2:07 PM
3: 19/11/2020 2:07 PM
4: 19 Nov 2020 2:07 PM
5: Tuesday, November 19, 2020 2:07 PM
6: November 19, 2020 2:07 PM
7: Nov 19, 2020
8: 19 Nov 2020
css Use css="0" to turn off default CSS