Smart Form Handler
Our Smart Form handling streamlines data collection by allowing information gathering through customizable forms. Upon submission, an automatic reply is sent to the user, and business users are notified for prompt action.
All profile and form data is securely stored in the Contact Manager, with automated follow-ups and profile tagging for future communications. Multiple Smart Forms can work together to offer dynamic handling based on user input, providing a tailored experience. This system ensures efficient, automated workflows for both submitters and your team.
Best Practice:
To collect user data effectively, ensure transparency by clearly explaining why the data is needed and how it will be used, limit data requests to what’s necessary, and optimize the form for ease of use with mobile-friendly design, clear instructions, and real-time validation. Prioritize user privacy, accessibility, and security, and provide confirmation and feedback upon submission.
Key Features
Customizable Forms
Automated Responses
Business User Notifications:
As website users submit Smart Forms, one or more business users can be emailed the form submission, allowing immediate action to be taken as needed.
Follow-up Actions
Smart Form Data is stored in the B2i CRM allowing for querying, reporting, and historical access. Tags can be applied and follow ups can be scheduled for all form submissions.