WordPress Documentation

B2i can post press releases directly into your WordPress website as a blog post. The process is very simple and straightforward:

  • Set a post key in the B2i settings area in WP.  This will be provided by B2i.
  • Verify your category/tag for the press releases to post into.  This is typically ‘Press Releases’
  • B2i will conduct a verify post to ensure connectivity.  After a successful post test, we’ll send all the historical press releases through to WordPress.

Use the builder tab to easily generate your Shortcode.

Short Code Attributes:


Feature Attributes Detail
group group Multiple groups are possible for other items like FAQs, Media, Newsletter or any other list of articles – can be manually added and emailed
Div to write and load content sdiv Div to write and load content – if using multiple instances on same page, must use unique sdiv for each
Pagination n Paging – Set n="0" to hide, n="1" for Next/Prev, n="2" for Page numbers 1 2 3
Output Layout o default o="0" for table – Many to choose from Display Layout Options
Item Count c Count of items to show, default is 10
Item Offset off off="1" – Offset items to display (how many items to skip).
Link open a How links open, default a="0" opens in floating div
0 = opens in floating div – lightbox style
1 = opens in new tab – optional custom URLs
2 = opens in B2i CMS and uses a custom domain, URL, and template
3 = opens in new window – optional custom URLs
4 = opens as PDF – customizable with CSS in B2i portal
5 = use attachment – Uses PDF if no attachment loaded for item
6 = open in B2i CMS page with custom domain and URLs in new window
7 = open in B2i CMS page with custom domain and URLs in new tab
8 = uses ViewLink parameter also able to set in B2i portal – place Press_Release_View plugin on another page to show item in full
9 = opens item in WordPress – only available when B2i pushes items into WordPress – now offering 2 methods with HIGH security
Also see se="1" and sd="1" following for other open options
Story expands from headline se se="1" – allow the div to expand and display the story below the headline
Story opens in Same Div container sd sd="1" – allow press release to open in the same div / consume the PR item list div and write a back link to show the list again
Date location d Date Location: 0-3, default is d="1" – phasing out and only available with
0= do not display
1 = display above headline
2 = display on same row as headline
3 = display below Headline. Now that custom layouts are availble, this option will be phased out.
Date format df Date Format: 1-6, default is df="1"
1 = mmm dd, yyyy
2 = mm/dd/yyyy
3 = dd/mm/yyyy
4 = dd mmm yyyy
5 = Day, Month dd, yyyy
6 = Month dd,yyyy
Show Tools – Search and Year tl Set to tl="1" to show the year selector and text search box
Year filter y Year filter – Set y="2019" to only show press releases for 2019
View link viewlink Set to URL of your page where the Press View shortcode is installed viewlink="https://domain/pagename"
Show excerpt su Show body excerpt – su="300" – Set to the number of characters of the body to display.
Use template ut ut="1" – Set this attribute to use a template on your press release story. Requires an HTML template to be loaded into the B2i portal.
Length of Headline to show ln ln="200" – Headline length to show – Set a limited amount of characters to return for the headline
CSS include css Use css="0" – to turn off default CSS *
Floating div options
ismh Content div story max height expanded – in pixels – ex. ismh="600"
ismw Content div story max width expanded – in pixels – ex. ismw="600"
isw Content div story width reduced – in pixels – ex. isw="400"
ish Content div story height reduced – in pixels – ex. ish="400"
ilo Content div left offset – in pixels – ex. ilo="100"
ito Content div top offset – in pixels – ex. ito="200"