API Documentation
This documentation page is for a deeper level of understanding of the API parameters and usage. Please refer to our builder page to have the API automatically generated based on your needs.
Press releases can be configured to open in various ways when clicking on the headline or the “Read More” links.
An HTML floating window also called a light box
A new browser window
A new browser tab
Consume the Div Container
Expand from the headline area
Open PDF version
Open in WordPress blog
Optional parameters: Should always come before calling the getData(); method.
Example API Code:
<div id="B2iPressDiv"></div>
<script language="JavaScript" src="https://www.b2i.us/b2i/LibraryApi.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
oLib.Group="1869"; | Sets the Group when not using the default Press Releases group. This was a required field, now our system sets the group to be used when this parameter is not included. |
oLib.sDiv="LibDiv"; | Sets the location to render the data – make sure to make unique if using multiple times on the same page. |
oLib.Output="0"; | Output Layout default 0 visit layout library to view layout options |
oLib.sTools="0"; | Set to 1 to show tools – Year select and search box |
oLib.sNav="; | set to 0 to hide the paging navigation |
oLib.Count="10"; | how many items are displayed per page, default is 10 |
oLib.Offset="; | Set an offset – items to be skipped – great when using the module twice on page |
oLib.iDateFormat="1"; | Date Format: 1-6, default is 1, 1= mmm dd, yyyy 2= mm/dd/yyyy 3= dd/mm/yyyy 4= dd mmm yyyy 5= Day, Month dd, yyyy, 6= Month dd,yyyy |
oLib.ShowDate="1"; | Date Location: 0-3, default is d="1" only usable with default Layout: oLib.Output="0" 0= do not display 1 = display above headline 2 = display on same row as headline 3 = display below Headline. Now that custom layouts are availble, this option is likely to be phased out. |
oLib.Alink="; | default is "0" which uses a floating Div. 0 = opens in a floating div 1 = opens in a new tab 2 = opens in the B2i CMS Viewer and uses a custom domain, URL, and template 3 = opens in a new window 4 = opens as PDF – auto-generated or PDF attachment set in B2i portal 5 = open attachment – attachments set in B2i portal 6 = open in the B2i CMS page with custom domain and URLs in new window 7 = open in the B2i CMS page with custom domain and URLs in new tab 8 = uses ViewLink parameter also able to set in B2i portal – place Press_Release_View plugin on another page to show item in full 9 = view in WordPress blog – The best SEO option with formatting controllable within WordPress. Also see the following options: Show Expand se="1" and Use Same Div sd="1" |
oLib.ViewLink="; | The View link is used to display the press releases on a separate page. First place the Press Releases Viewer Plugin on a separate page. Next add the link to that page in the Press Release Plugin ViewLink parameter. Currently, Url can not use querystring paramters. |
oLib.AutoOpen="; | When using the floating display to show the story, you can set AutoOpen="1" for use with the email and social media links back to the story. |
oLib.ShowExpand="; | Set to 1 to make story open in expand on same page |
oLib.UseSameDiv="; | Set to 1 to make story consume the div the headlines loaded in. A back link will be placed above and below the story. |
oLib.ShowSummary="300"; | Set to number of characters of the body to render |
oLib.UseTemplate="; | Set to 1 to use a template on the news story – template must be loaded in IR Office portal |
oLib.CSS="1"; | Set to 0 to turn off default css |
oLib.RSS="1"; | Set to 0 to hide the RSS image and link to the RSS feed |
oLib.HeadlineLen="; | Set a limited amount of characters to return for the headline |
oLib.iStoryWidth="600"; | Content floating div width reduced size: default 600 px |
oLib.iStoryHeight="600"; | Content floating div height reduced size: default 600 px |
oLib.iStoryMaxWidth="; | Content floating div width expanded size: default screen size -80 px |
oLib.iStoryMaxHeight="; | Content floating div height expanded size: default screen size -80 px |
oLib.iLeftOffset="0"; | Content floating div offset from left: default 0 |
oLib.iTopOffset="0"; | Content floating div offset from top: default 0 |