API Documentation

This data is managed within our IROffice portal.

<div id=”PageDiv”></div>
<script language=”JavaScript” src=”https://www.b2i.us/b2i/Pageapi.js?v=1.0.6″ type=”text/javascript”></script>
<script language=”JavaScript” type=”text/javascript”>

Optional parameters: Should always come before calling the getPageData(); method.

oPage.SectionCount="1"; Count of sections to return: default ""
oPage.lo="2"; Layout: default "1"
oPage.SectionsOpen="1"; Count of sections to have open on load: default ""
oPage.IgnoreHeaders="1"; Makes plugin not write the header Divs: default ""
oPage.CSS="1"; Use default CSS: 0:no 1:yes – default "1"
oPage.iStoryWidth="600"; Content floating div width reduced size: default 600 px
oPage.iStoryHeight="600"; Content floating div height reduced size: default 600 px
oPage.iStoryMaxWidth=""; Content floating div width expanded size: default screen size -80 px
oPage.iStoryMaxHeight=""; Content floating div height expanded size: default screen size -80 px
oPage.iLeftOffset="0"; Content floating div offset from left: default 0
oPage.iTopOffset="0"; Content floating div offset from top: default 0