
The dynamic sections & uploads module allows users to easily integrate and manage multiple sections of text, with each section accommodating multiple file uploads. It enables point-and-click control to update text, images, hyperlinks, and downloadable documents.

With real-time publishing, scheduling, and expiration controls, you have complete control over when content appears and updates. Schedule content in advance, set expiration dates for time-sensitive materials, or publish instantly—all from a user-friendly interface.

Best Practices:
Maintaining an up-to-date website is a critical function of IR. With our dynamic tools to add, publish, and schedule content, you stay in control of your website—no need for expensive developer or third-party support.

For example, Investor FAQs is a common piece of content that helps minimize emails from investors. With this module, items can be added and edited in real time.

Key Features

Integrate multiple sections, multiple documents & links.

The plugin enables users to integrate large content structures.

Customize Text, Documents & Hyperlinks.

Point and click tools allow you to upload many different document types, hyperlinks and images.

Advanced Publishing Tools

Schedule sections and / or uploads to publish on a certain date and time.

Publish documents and hyperlinks to multiple website pages

Place these modules in multiple areas of your website. Any updates to documents or links will automatically update where ever they appear.