WordPress Documentation

This documentation page is for a deeper level of understanding of the WordPress plugin parameters and usage. Please refer to our builder page to have the WordPress shortcode automatically generated based on your needs.

Short Code - [b2i_calendar m="0" c="5"] Multiple instances can be used for segregating data by future events / past events or by year. Requires data to be entered in our IROffice portal.

Attributes Detail
sdiv Div name to write and load content, used to override default
c Count of items to show, default is 10
m Default m="", Future events, Mode set m="1" Past events, m="0" All events
lo Layout - unlimited database driven layouts possible
vl Set to URL of your page where the Calendar View shortcode is installed vl="https://domain/pagename"
y Year to filter events for Past events ex. y="2017"
df Date Format: 1-6, default is df="1"
1 = mmm dd, yyyy
2 = mm/dd/yyyy
3 = dd/mm/yyyy
4 = dd mmm yyyy
5 = Day, Month dd, yyyy
6 = Month dd,yyyy
dlo Date Location ex. dlo="1" for above title, dlo="0" for under title - Phasing out as dynamic layouts are becoming available and make this setting obsolete