API Documentation

This documentation page is for a deeper level of understanding of the API parameters and usage. Please refer to our builder page to have the API automatically generated based on your needs.

Note: Parameters should always come before calling the getEmailAlertData(); method.

<div id="EmailDiv"></div>
<script language="JavaScript" src="https://www.b2i.us/b2i/Emailapi2.asp" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">

Attributes Detail
oEmail.sSubscribeText=""; This allows you to set a custom subscribe message that is displayed after the user clicks the subscribe button
oEmail.sUnsubscribeText=""; This allows you to set a custom subscribe message that is displayed after the user clicks the subscribe button
oEmail.tos="1"; Email terms of service - by default this does not show; Set to 1 to use: oEmail.tos="1";
oEmail.tosLabel='Your Text'; Email terms of service custom text to use
oEmail.tosControl="1"; Allow the terms of service to control when the Subscribe button shows.
oEmail.lo="2"; Email form layout - default: lo="1"; currently 1-4 available
oEmail.RequiredName=false; Require name field, true by default.
oEmail.RequiredCompany=false; Require company field, true by default.
oEmail.LabelEmail="Email"; Text to use for "Email" label
oEmail.LabelFirstName="First Name"; Text to use for "First Name" label
oEmail.LabelLastName="Last Name"; Text to use for "Last Name" label
oEmail.LabelCompany="Company"; Text to use for "Company" label
oEmail.List="##"; Returns a single list based onthe List ID. Retrieve ## from the B2i system.
oEmail.CheckAllList=""; Set to oEmail.CheckAllList="1"; to check all lists by default
oEmail.HideAllList=""; Set to oEmail.HideAllList="1"; to hide all lists by default
oEmail.LangID="2"; Language to display list and text. Additional languages must be initialized. *
oEmail.sJoinEndPoint=""; URL to forward user to after subscribing
oEmail.sRemoveEndPoint=""; URL to forward user to after unsubscribing
oEmail.InvTag=""; Email Sign Up Form with A/B Testing using Contact Tagging when using email form in multiple locations and measuring performance of - defined and viewed in B2i Portal. *
oEmail.Group="##"; Email Group Filters can be used to segment your groups. Group Filters are created in the B2i portal. Example: Using the form only showing a single group like Press releases. *
  Items with an * require additional configuration. Please contact us