WordPress Documentation

Short Code [b2i_showcase id="ID"]

This extremely powerful and customizable module is typically used for areas like Quarterly Results, Presentations, Governance Documents, and any other type of custom content. The data is managed within our IROffice portal, where your team, or ours can make real-time changes.

Attributes Detail
id Required – Document list id – we will provide this – multiple list are possible.
class Set custom classes on container
c Count of items to show, default is 10
n Paging – Set n=”0″ to hide, n=”1″ for Next/Prev, n=”2″ for Page numbers 1 2 3
lo Layout: default 0 for table, 1 for unordered list, 2 for Div output, 3 for Div with Button
si Show Image: “0”:no, “1”:left, “2”:right
sd Show Date: sd=”0″ No, sd=”1″ 6/18/2020, sd=”2″ Jun 18, 2020, sd=”3″ June 18, 2020, sd=”4″ 18 / 06, sd=”5″ 18/06/2020, sd=”6″ 18 Jun 2020
ds Data Sort: ds=”0″ date desc, ds=”1″ date asc, ds=”2″ title – Using date to order while the date is hidden also works.
sh Show Header row: sh=”0″ No, sh=”1″ displays a row with Date, Title headings
tl Show Year dropdown: tl=”0″ No, tl=”1″
css Use css=”0″ to turn off default CSS *
Floating div options
ismh Content div story max height expanded – in pixels – ex. ismh=”600″
ismw Content div story max width expanded – in pixels – ex. ismw=”600″
isw Content div story width reduced – in pixels – ex. isw=”400″
ish Content div story height reduced – in pixels – ex. ish=”400″
ilo Content div left offset – in pixels – ex. ilo=”100″
ito Content div top offset – in pixels – ex. ito=”200″