API Documentation
This documentation page is for a deeper level of understanding of the API parameters and usage. Please refer to our builder page to have the API automatically generated based on your needs.
Content within this module is managed within the IROffice Portal. When using multiple times on the page, make sure to set a unique name with the sDiv parameter. This parameter controls where the data loads by settings the container ID. Make sure to include the container on the page. If any further questions or assistance is needed, please reach out to support@b2itech.com or 972-234-9222.
<div id="ShowDiv"></div>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="https://www.b2i.us/b2i/Showapi.js"></script>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
oShow.ID="110";// Demo Showcase ID
Optional parameters: Should always come before calling the getShowData(); method.
oShow.sHttp="https"; | |
oShow.lo="0"; | Layout: lo="0" table, lo="1" display LI, lo="2" display DIV, lo="3" for Div with Button, and others layout range 0-9 (10/30/21) |
oShow.c="5"; | Count: c="5" how many items are displayed per page, default is 5 |
oShow.n="0"; | Paging Navigation: n="0" Nav Off, n="1" Nav On |
oShow.si="1"; | Show Image: si="0" No, si="1" Left, si="2" Right |
oShow.sd="1"; | Show Date: sd="0" No, sd="1" 6/18/2020, sd="2" Jun 18, 2020, sd="3" June 18, 2020, sd="4" 18 / 06, sd="5" 18/06/2020, sd="6" 18 Jun 2020 |
oShow.ds="0"; | Data Sort: ds="0" Date Desc, ds="1" Date Asc, ds="2" Title |
oShow.sh="1"; | Show Header row: sh="0" No, sh="1" displays a row with Date, Title headings |
oShow.tl="1"; | Show Year Drop down: tl="0" No, tl="1" yes |
oShow.CSS="1"; | Default CSS: CSS="0" No, CSS="1" yes - default CSS="1" |
oShow.iStoryWidth="600"; | Content floating div width reduced size: default 600 px |
oShow.iStoryHeight="600"; | Content floating div height reduced size: default 600 px |
oShow.iStoryMaxWidth=""; | Content floating div width expanded size: default screen size -80 px |
oShow.iStoryMaxHeight=""; | Content floating div height expanded size: default screen size -80 px |
oShow.iLeftOffset="0"; | Content floating div offset from left: default 0 |
oShow.iTopOffset="0"; | Content floating div offset from top: default 0 |