API Documentation

This documentation page is for a deeper level of understanding of the API parameters and usage. Please refer to our builder page to have the API automatically generated based on your needs.

<div id=”DividendsDiv”></div>

<script language=”JavaScript” src=”https://www.b2i.us/b2i/Dividendsapi.asp?v=1.0.6″ type=”text/javascript”></script>

<script language=”JavaScript” type=”text/javascript”>



oDividends.Symbol=”OCC”; // Stock ticker that has dividends – service will need to be activated for your license





Optional parameters: Should always come before calling the getDividendsData(); method.

oDividends.DecLen="1"; Decimal length, set to dl=1, Must be integer. Default is 0 / off
oDividends.Dollar="0"; Show dollar sign, set to d=1, Default is 0 / off
oDividends.CSS="1"; Set to 0 to turn off default css