
Content Blocks are our all-purpose module, allowing you to display any code or content anywhere on your website. This module can have unlimited instances and can be scheduled to display and hide based on a date and time.

A common use for this module is to display an announcement banner for upcoming conference calls, webcasts, annual shareholder meetings, or any event that needs highlighting in prominent placement on the website. Additionally, this can include any information you want ease of access for editing within IROffice.

Best Practice:
Implement Content Blocks where you need flexibility to display any content or code anywhere on your website, with unlimited instances, scheduling options, and easy editing within IROffice.

Key Features

Scheduled Display and Archive Times

Customize the visibility of alert banners by scheduling specific display and removal times. This level of control ensures that messages are delivered at the most opportune moments, maximizing their impact.

Highlighting Events and Announcements

Enhance visibility and engagement by using eye-catching alert banners to promote special events like product launches, quarterly earnings webcasts, or promotional campaigns. This feature allows you to highlight key dates, milestones, and important announcements, ensuring that critical information stands out and is not overlooked.

Custom Messaging Capabilities

Tailor messages to suit your unique communication needs. The Alert Banners feature accommodates custom messaging, allowing organizations to convey specific information, promotions, or updates to their audience.